Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Medium is the Massage therapy

So I was happy to find that the book, 'The Medium is the Massage,' a book by, Marshall McLuhan, was available at the Beaverton City Library. I rushed over there and picked up my copy. I was very interested to find that it was between books about historical black social movements and other social causes. I thought this was just going to be another artsy-fartsy book but something about its placement told me something otherwise.

I've read about half way and it's very stimulating, the aesthetic and the mental process of it. It's visual approach is very interesting, I very much like the 4 pages consisting of just toes. The backwards quotes are annoying but actually cause you to work, and read them in front of a mirror(or in my case a BRAND NEW MAC LAPTOP). Reading the quotes reminded me much of a kid and having to put my comics in front of the mirror to read and solve the secret mystery about something-who cares.

McHulan raises good points but reminds me of people who have subtle, paranoid on views about technology and the media. He's not crazy in the way a homeless man fears for his life because of constant fear that government radios are invading his mind. He had made his intellectual rant about what might happen, and what he thought was happening at the time. Even thought he wasn't right about everything he brought up very interesting, many that can be applied to the internet today.

I still open my laptop backwards sometimes. end.

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