Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm still recovering from the stress and lack of sleep but am recuperating just fine. Today I finally picked up a copy of McCloud's 'Understanding Comics' at the library, I've been reading it so much, I had to stop myself from reading it all in one day. I don't think having the copy is going to be enough, I"m pretty sure I'll have to buy my won copy eventually. I've also taken the time to catch up and finish reading Print's special award edition, some really interesting stuff out there. It's a bit of a change from the design that we've been seeing in place but it's cool to see how the trends are right now and how some are changing. I'm also reading the Epic of America. The origin of the term 'the American Dream.' It's good to have a break but it's not a bad time to do some loose research. I've been loving it so far.

Have to be sure to remember to drop my key off by this monday...

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