Well I'm working on the templates for my coloring book. I've been thinking about printing them out on color book paper, like really light cheap paper. The cover will most likely be glossy paper.
Aside from my design work I've been helping my family decorate the whole house, we just finished the tree today. That's one of the drawbacks of living with your family, all the responsibilities you attain. I feel very confined in this house, in my little room. I've always been less productive here and it's depressing at times. I love my family but It's just too much at times.
NEW MOVIE THIS WINTER BREAK. It's about time i made a new film. I'm collaborating with my best friends and a few others. It's going to be a series of films based on exaggerated version of ourselves, our theme is going to be a couple of struggling filmmakers try to make it big while dealing with personal issues, in a hilarious way of course. I think I have 3 weeks to do it...
week 1: Writing, planning, and storyboarding
week 2: Filming
week 3: Post production, editing, writing music, etc
It's very exciting. I think originally we were inspired by it's always sunny in Philadelphia(their pilot episode specifically because their budget was 100 dollars), Seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm, and flight of the conchords.
We're going to be basically playing exaggerated, and much more shallow, version of ourselves. It should be funny how this plays out, it's so exciting!